In the middle of a fight, the husband said, "Let's not quarrel, let's discuss the things sensibly." "No," said angry wife, "Every time we discuss sensibly, I lose"!
My husband sent me a text that said, "Your sexy". So, naturally, I wrote back, "No, you're sexy". He's been walking around all happy and smiling. Should I tell him I was just correcting his grammar or leave it?
Kavita: What did your husband do before you divorced him? Geeta: A lot of things I didn't know about!
Girl(to God): I don't want to marry. I am educated, independent and self-sufficient. I don't need a husband. But my parents are asking me to marry. What should I do? God: You are my finest creation and undoubtedly will achieve many great things. But some things... inevitably, will not go the way you want. Worst, some things will fail. Whom will you blame? Yourself? No! You need a husband!